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aftermarket combine concaves

#1 John Deere Concave
System. XPR 3 Beats
Them ALL.

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    John Deere Concaves

    Stock John Deere concaves lose 3-5 bushels per acre. But not ours.

    Stop dumping cash out of your combine every harvest season. This amounts to $39,480 in loss at 4 bushels per acre on 1000 acres of soybeans. Our XPR John Deere Concaves STOP grain loss and END volunteer crop. Our concave system threshes better, faster and captures what your stock concaves are throwing out the back. All this means more $$$ in your pocket.

    Find a better investment for your combine. We challenge you.

    Our XPR Concave System is best investment you can make when it comes harvest time. You won’t find a better return on investment than with our John Deere concave system. How many investments can you make on your farm that will pay you back in just a matter of DAYS? And then keep paying you year-after-year. Over a 3 year period, our John Deere concave system would put $118,440 in your pocket on 1,000 acres of soybeans.

    In addition to the benefits of stopping volunteer crop, increased capacity, faster harvest and no more changing out concaves, our XPR John Deere concave system threshes better and cleaner resulting in less cracks, splits, white caps and damaged crop. This means less dockage at the elevator and saying goodbye to dust at the bottom of your grain bin. All resulting in more money in your pocket.

    John Deere Concaves




    XPR3 PATENTED JOHN DEERE CONCAVE BAR. The XPR3 bar is a threshing-edge™ innovation designed specifically for John Deere combines, offering 250% more effective threshing surface area compared to the competition.

    Experience SUPERIOR threshing in wheat and small grains compared to small wire concaves, with LESS foreign material (FM) and white caps for an exceptional sample. Achieve up to 200% MORE capacity than round bars in corn WITHOUT the fines and rotor loss. In soybeans and edible beans, the XPR3 concave allows for slower rotor speeds, delivering unbeatable grain quality with FEWER splits and less dockage. The XPR3 bar is the ultimate John Deere concave for maximizing efficiency and performance.

    XPR John Deere Concave System, it makes Green sense.

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    More Green Is A Good Thing
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